A collaboration between Simon McBurney of Complicite and John & Katya Berger for the International Festival d'Avignon in 2012, 'Est-ce Que Tu Dors?' (tr. 'Are you sleeping?') ran for only four nights towards the end of the festival, in La Chapelle des Penitants Blancs.
The performance was a rehearsed reading by John & Katya of their book 'Lying Down to Sleep' - a conversational study of Mantegna's frescoes in the bridal chamber of the ducal palace in Mantua, Italy.
We used a combination of live video from a dome camera and an animated reconstruction of the famout chamber itself, projected onto the bare stone walls of the chapel. This allowed John & Katya to guide the audience around the artwork, as well as demonstrating some of the techniques used to make it.