A new musical freely adapted from the victorian novel of the same name. The show became known, some would say notorious, for its extensive use of projections instead of 'real' scenery.
4 projectors were blended together and 3D mapped to the 270º cyclorama. The Cyc(-lorama) could split and the two outer parts would revolve around to close the turntable and thereby creating a convex surface downstage: Two additional projectors covered this configuration. Lastly one piece of scenery could slide out of the centre piece of the cyclorama, onto the turntable and rotate around on the turntable in 10 positions. Due to the fact that these position happend on a turntable it created more than 20 positions, some of them concave , some convex depending on the rotation.
It was the first time 3d mapping and tracking has been used in the theatre at this scale and level of comlexity. No playback system or control system existed to fullfil the exact requirements of this design. Under the leadership of mesmer and in close collaboartion with Digital Antics and XL video UK a bespoke playback and control system called the mesmerist was created to realize the projections of this show. It was unique in many ways.